Just for You | Short Stories by Nikhil Pattani

Hey there! I’m Nikhil Pattani, and I’ve got some untold stories that are about to shake things up. Think of the good, the bad, and the downright bizarre, all wrapped up with a promise of happy endings. Ready to uncover some secrets?

These tales are for the resilient ones out there—the real-life heroes and change-makers. Get set for laughter, tears, and those “No way!” moments.

Prepare yourself for a whirlwind of emotions and quirky escapades. From unbelievable coincidences to daring escapes and unexpected turns, each story is crafted to surprise and delight. This series is just for 'you'—buckle up and enjoy the ride!

"Painting karta rehta hai".....

I was born an artist, but those around me never let me paint. Yet, artists are stubborn, and so am I. Now in my forties, I have started painting like never before. I became a certified therapeutic art life coach and received praise from family, friends, and even strangers on social media. However, not only are some colors pale, but so are the character and mindset of certain individuals. Despite many appreciations, I've started receiving lectures and venomous feedback from some so-called friends I’ve known for two decades. To my surprise, I never knew this nefarious and discontented side of them.

“Painting all the time, not working,” they say. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. They plot behind my back to undermine my confidence. With a 27-year career in the real estate industry and now as the founder of Destiniva Realty and Scholars Takshashila, I’m being lectured on my work style simply because I follow my passion for painting. But I consider such people as mere noise. In fact, barking dogs are better—they at least have a purpose. I could wrestle with a hog and get dirty, but I will never waste my precious energy on such negativity.

To all those struggling to chase their dreams and passions: never stop.

Additionally, I love to paint and will continue painting. "Painting all the time?" Yes, I will keep doing it. And to those who excel at spreading negativity, keep doing what you do best i.e 'Shitting'. And yes, this message is just for 'YOU'..

Bhel Poori and Bitter Tongues: The Dual Life of Mr. Chatar-matar 

Surrounded by caring souls, I grew in compassion. Yet, daily life included some acquaintances with foul mouths, spouting gutter language. Their negativity contrasted sharply with the kindness I cherished, reminding me that life always has two sides.

Mr. Chatar-matar, my friend for two decades  embodies this duality. Initially, I didn't recognize the dirt in his mind and tone. Starting as a fourth-grade worker under a shrewd businessman, his unethical practices propelled him to the top. Now running his own company, his money couldn't buy class. His language and thoughts reflected a frustrated, power-hungry mindset.

Ironically, his favorite cuisine is bhel poori—a dish known for its tangy and spicy flavor, much like his own bitter tongue.

Mr. Chatar-matar's behavior was deplorable—treating subordinates poorly, speaking ill of others, and name-calling. He constantly backbit and questioned the character of people working for him. To him, every woman was a prostitute, and every man a eunuch, although he himself was impotent in character. Such people thrive on power but are inherently worthless, and their addiction to power eventually consumes them. Recently diagnosed with an unknown illness, his body is developing insects, particularly from his mouth. It's tragic to see him suffer, but perhaps it's a lesson: using one's tongue to soothe rather than spread venom is the true mark of character.

Narendra Lodha Sir: The Unsung Hero of Real Estate

In the real estate world, Narendra Lodha sir needs no introduction. To the untrained eye, he might seem stern and tough, but those who know him understand his compassionate and kind-hearted nature. His disciplined demeanor and magnificent aura command respect.

During my time at Kalpataru, I marveled at how he handled immense workloads with ease and grace. Lodha sir, a true strategist, taught me the value of goodwill and its importance. His corporate mantras have become a cherished legacy that I now pass on to the professionals I train.

In a catastrophic period of my life, Lodha sir stood by me, defending my dignity and placing his trust in me. His fierce support left a lasting impact, making me emotional even today.

Lodha sir's story is one of resilience, support, and inspiration. His indomitable spirit inspires us to embrace fearlessness and to always speak the truth with unwavering courage. His example shows the power of standing by others. It's a reminder that in the corporate world and beyond, compassion and integrity can make all the difference.

Skyline Dreams: Mayur Bhai and Marathon Journey

When Mayur Bhai, the driving force behind Marathon Realty, trusted me to lead the sales and marketing for the South Mumbai region, it was a huge honor. He asked me to shape a dream project called Monte South.

The day he entrusted me with Monte South was unforgettable. I was excited and determined to do my best. Knowing Mayur Bhai's deep spirituality, I suggested including a Jain temple in Monte South. I explained how important this was for Jain followers, who don't drink water until they visit their temple each day. 

Though skeptical at first, Mayur Bhai agreed after understanding its significance. This decision gave Monte South a unique identity. From then on, the project became a spiritual journey. Despite challenges, Mayur Bhai's calm and reassuring guidance kept me focused. He often reminded me, “Every great journey has its storms. It’s how we navigate them that defines us.”

Working at Marathon Realty under Mayur Bhai’s leadership was transformative. He demonstrated that with the right guidance, dedication, and integrity, any dream could be achieved. His mentorship extended beyond business, instilling values of perseverance and resilience in me.

This journey with Mayur Bhai was about more than just business. It was about creating a legacy of faith, determination, and the indomitable human spirit. His influence and leadership have left a lasting impact, shaping me into a stronger leader and entrepreneur.


Nikhil Pattani, is a real estate maverick, sustainability champ, painter extraordinaire, and your go-to motivational guru! With over 27 years of real estate wizardry in both India and UAE, Nikhil's journey is a rollercoaster of success with industry giants like Marathon, Adani, Kalpataru, DAMAC Properties, Runwal, Lodha, and more.

But wait, there's more! As the brain behind Destiniva Realty and the head honcho at Scholars' Takshashila, Nikhil isn't just about selling homes; he's about changing lives. With over 3,000 families finding their dream homes, Nikhil's impact is undeniable.

But here's the kicker: Nikhil isn't just about bricks and mortar. He's a writer, painter, life coach, and a voice that empowers. Under his 'Nikhil Pattani - Your Realtor' brand, he's revolutionizing real estate consultancy. Plus, with his 'Green Realtor' and 'Sales Chanakya' certifications, he's shaping the future of the industry.

And guess what? Nikhil isn't your average suit-and-tie realtor. Affectionately known as the realtor who paints, he's blending art and real estate like a pro, showing us the investment potential of both.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the Nikhil Pattani movement and let's paint a brighter, greener, and more empowered future together!

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