Devi, Garba, Dandiya and We | Memoir by Nikhil Pattani


The air was alive with anticipation as the month of October approached, casting its enchantment upon our humble abode. Navratri and Dussehra - two glorious festivals that brought families together, reverberating with joy, devotion, and cultural splendor. In the midst of it all, the enchanting garba and dandiya dances emerged as the heart and soul of our festivities, casting a spell that united us in elation and merriment. These cherished memories remain etched in my mind, reminding me of the magical moments we shared as a family during this spectacular celebration.

The Festive Aura Fills the Air

As the first day of Navratri arrived, a certain excitement tinged the atmosphere. We diligently cleaned our home from top to bottom and adorned it with vibrant decorations, capturing the essence of this auspicious festival. The sounds of laughter and chatter echoed through our halls as relatives, young and old, gathered to partake in the festivities. The aroma of homemade delicacies wafted from the kitchen, promising us a feast fit for the gods. It was a day of joyous preparation, uniting us in an unspoken bond of love and togetherness.

The Exuberance of Garba and Dandiya Dances

As dusk descended, we transformed our living space into a mesmerizing arena for the garba and dandiya dances. The rhythmic beats of traditional music filled the air, instilling within us a vibrant energy that knew no bounds. Bedecked in resplendent traditional attire, we ventured onto the dance floor, our hearts brimming with joy. The circles formed, the claps echoed, and our feet moved in perfect harmony with the music. A kaleidoscope of colors twirled around us as we immersed ourselves in the euphoria of these invigorating dance forms. It was as if time had stood still, and we were transported to a realm where happiness resided permanently.

A Tapestry of Love and Togetherness

Beyond the captivating dance moves, what made these celebrations truly memorable were the bonds that strengthened and the relationships that blossomed during this time. Generations intertwined, guiding one another to learn the intricate steps, while laughter and encouragement echoed throughout the night. The elders regaled us with tales of bygone festivities, their eyes sparkling with nostalgia. The younger ones infused their own exuberance, adding a breath of fresh air to the celebrations. It was a beautiful tapestry of love, unity, and a celebration of our rich heritage.

The Grand Culmination of Dussehra

As the nine nights of Navratri neared their conclusion, anticipation grew for the grand culmination - Dussehra. On this auspicious day, we embraced spirituality, observing rituals and attending temple ceremonies with fervor. The final touch to this joyous festival was the renowned Ravana effigy burning. Watching the towering effigy consumed by flames served as a symbol of the triumph of good over evil, echoing the lessons of righteousness and faith passed down through generations. The vibrant fireworks in the night sky marked the climax of our festivities, lighting up not only the heavens but our hearts as well.

The celebration of Navratri and Dussehra with my family remains a treasured memoir, etched within the depths of my being. The enchantment of garba and dandiya dances swirled around us, fortifying the bonds within our loving family and creating in us a deep appreciation for our culture and traditions. These magical moments continue to bring joy to my heart, reminding me of the love, laughter, and unity we experienced during this extraordinary celebration. As the years pass, I will forever hold dear to my heart the memory of those wonderful days, basking in the joyous embrace of Navratri and Dussehra, surrounded by loved ones.


Nikhil Pattani, a knowledgeable Real Estate Expert, blogger, sustainability advocate having more than 27 years of work experience in India and UAE. His expertise and dedication have helped more than 3,000 happy families find their dream home. Nikhil Pattani is also a prolific writer, painter, life coach, and motivational speaker who has changed many lives and helped many people fight against all the odds of life. Under his eponymous brand called 'Nikhil Pattani- Your Realtor', he is providing real estate and interior design consultancy. Additionally, he is offering Green Brokers' certification to the real estate professionals under his venture Scholars' Takshashila.

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