How to plan, start and grow a real estate business | Nikhil Pattani

Real Estate as a product has numerous variants and so are its ways to manufacture and sell. Every Investor cannot be a good developer, but can earn  superb returns if he has studied the RE market scenario and invested in the right location, at right time, at right price and knows when to take an exit call. The Real Estate advisors plays vital role in the industry, they are influential people for the investor, the developer and the end user of the properties. 

The planning Starting and growing your real estate business:

1. Networking and winning the trust of people in your network 

2. Planning of revenue targets

3. Focused Location / Focused Projects

4. Use of Digital marketing to its best along with conventional techniques

5. Nurture your clients with the best of services

6. Fair practise in itself is a great branding technique

7. Change the stance with the trend


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